Bert Feustel

Bert Feustel

Bert Feustel is Managing Director of mindSYSTEMS !, Institute for Strategic Communication and NLP based in Munich. He is the first European NLP master trainer and works as an NLP and business trainer as well as a business consultant, coach and executive trainer all over the world.


He studied mathematics, organizational psychology, philosophy of science and logic at the LMU in Munich. Bert is known for his accuracy and his ability to explain even very complex models so that others can easily understand them. 


Above all, his commitment to INLPTA is to establish a quality control and to further improve the contents and guidelines. His vision is that NLP will become even more widely known and established in even more areas, such as education, business and therapy.


He is one of the founders and first chairman of the GANLP (German Association for NLP, the predecessor association of the DVNLP (German Association for NLP), which is today with more than 2500 members one of the largest NLP associations.

Contact to Bert Feustel: bert.feustel (at)